Learning about the many different media literacy in the videos was very interesting to me. The videos were all very informative, but the one that I found interesting was Critical Observational. I enjoyed the assignments that was shared in the videos because it allowed me to think about certain things. For example the sheet segment, I was not able to identify the correct country and city in the Critical Observation video. I said it was somewhere in the Middle East because of the symbol on the sheet. I would have never guessed that they were in France. Using lateral search methods are very useful. Carefully using my eyes for clues or names I found to be a useful techniques and making notice of all my surrounding. Once you get a name, its easy to complete a google search to receive any information that you are in search of. Google is a very useful tool to search anything and find out specific information.
Hello Monica,
I also did not correctly guess any of the cities or countries in the critical observation video. However, his suggestions made a lot of sense. I definitely think if given more photos my guesses would be more accurate. I would look for signs, languages, license plates, etc.
Just the title Critical Observation is a mouth full for me. If we as a people would slow down and take some time to really investigate and look into some matters, it could produce a different outcome for us as a people. Sometimes we move so fast and miss key items that are crucial to our future. Almost damaging in some cases! I really appreciate the tools provided to help us look deeper into matters which could make our lives better.